Friday, March 02, 2007


Looking back at the last post I added to my blog, I'm wishing I could go back to that night. I'm wishing for the normalcy I was complaining about not too long ago.

Most of my readers already know this, so forgive me for repeating myself. This is a particularly sad time for me and my family. This is the fourth day after my father had a very bad stroke. It happened Monday evening, around 5 p.m. He's stable, but still in critical condition. They put him into a drug-induced coma when brought into emergency, and he remains unconscious. He appears responsive when we talk to him, at times...but nothing new or different shows on the daily CT scans.

I've experienced a very wide range of emotions from the onset, as you can probably imagine. I'm trying to remain positive, but I'm finding it more difficult than I'd imagined.

And, today is a sad day for me.


Blogger Brian Moon said...

Reel can mean:

* A spindle around which things can be wound;
* A Scottish dance of gliding and spinning;
* A Virginian line dance;
* To stagger as if drunk or injured;
* To spin 'round and 'round

Some positives. Some negatives. Some neutral.

Probably just like you've been feeling lately - some more than others.

Just remember that you're not alone, Tracy.

9:46 AM  

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