Friday, August 31, 2007

I follow directions well.

In a comment on my previous post, I was asked to describe my perfect day, and to be as descriptive as possible.

I find that I follow directions well, and am especially up for a challenge, nearly always. You know, I wanted to blog yesterday, but couldn't think of anything meaningful to write about. So, now....NOW, I have something meaningful to write about. Thank you, Wecker.

As I was walking to the cafeteria this morning to get my breakfast, I began thinking of just exactly what my perfect day might look like.

Would it be me and my favorite guy on a sandy beach in the middle of nowhere with the only people around being scattered travelers minding their own business and a cabana boy named, Raoul (thanks, Brian!), bringing drinks, and whatever else we wanted, with a snap of the finger?

Or, would it be a day with my girlfriends, if money were no object, where we would shop endlessly, eat heartily, and make time for a chick flick, all via limousine, of course?

However, then came the guilt...I'm feeling selfish. The things I've thought of so far don't include my daughter at all. Or, any of my other friends or immediate family.

Maybe a day at Disneyland with my daughter, some of my most favorite friends & family, AND my most favorite guy....and, hell, we'll bring Raoul with us! But, of course, my daughter, and the rest of them would be on best behavior, no doubt.

To sum it all up here, my perfect day would include all those things....sandy beaches, drinks, great food, shopping, my daughter, family, friends, movies, and fun. Not necessarily in that order. And, money would be in abundance. But then, that day would be over. And, reality would set in. Money is an object. I can't do all those things in one day. But, I can, if I choose, do those things over a period of my lifetime.

And, I will. Eventually.


Blogger Kevin Wecker said...

Fantastic! Thank you!

No need for guilt or worry, for dreaming is free!


TOPIC IDEA: "Your favorite year. And/Or your favorite age."

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say, it's OK to have prefect days without your kids, it doesn't mean you don't love them, or you love them less, it's just a day, not a live time. Some perfect days are spelled out different depending on your mood. Don't feel guilt, embrace the thought you have dreams

4:29 PM  

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