Saturday, August 04, 2007

Beautiful Day

Today is turning out to be a beautiful day. The morning was overcast and chilly. We headed to Barton Park for a Birthday party around 10:30 a.m. I wore shorts, just knowing it would warm up sooner. However, it seemed like it took forever to warm up...and I was freezing most the morning. I even had a big jacket on most of the day. Funny. It's much warmer now, in my apartment...especially with the dryer going.

I'm actually feeling a bit under the weather today. Not sure if it's hormones or if I really am coming down with some sort of bug. At any rate, I'm hoping to get some extra rest tonight.

Happy Saturday, everyone!


Blogger Jules~ said...

Barton Park is such a great area. We had many a birthday parties there when the girls were younger.

You are right, the morning was so chilly and snuggly. It did warm up a little bit in the late afternoon though. I even got a little pink while standing outside in my driveway painting a cabinet.

I hope you sleep well and feel so rejuvenated in the morning.
Blessings to you!

10:39 PM  

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