Saturday, September 09, 2006

Long, Lost Poster

Hey all, it's been a WHOLE WEEK since I've posted. I've been so busy. Work sucks (worse than usual), and I've been busy TAKING CARE OF MYSELF. Yay me!

I had a great week in terms of the taking care of me part; however, the other parts weren't so good. Crying at work two-to-three days in a row probably isn't a good sign. But, realizing that taking a walk will help - and actually DOING IT - was a great step in the right direction for me.

Also, the whole soccer mom thing keeps me busy, as well as getting geared up for school to start (kinda late, I know). First day of school is Monday. We're all anxious, for so many different reasons.

I've had a hard time keeping up on my reading of blogs this week, too. I think I'm finally caught up though...okay, maybe not completely. However, I will get to them...I will.


Blogger Brian Moon said...

Welcome back to blogging! :-)

I'm really proud of you for all the walking you've done this week, and how well you've been watching your calories.

Taking control of even a small part of your life pays big benefits for all other areas of your life. Or so they tell me! :-) It might take a while to see it, though...

Still worth doing.

10:23 AM  

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