Friday, January 26, 2007

7 Day Digest - Day 7

So, this is the final day of my challenge. And, again, I have nothing to say. Does it count that on some of the days, I blogged more than once? I didn't think so.

Okay, so I'll have to try and talk about something. But, nothing's coming to mind. Why is it that when you need to say something, nothing comes to mind? And, when you don't need to say anything, or especially when someone wants you to stop talking, you can't stop talking? Ask me. I know this well. And, when I say you, I mean the you as the in general you, not really you. Because it's not all about you. IT'S ABOUT ME. DUH.

Enough about that. What should we talk about now? I could ramble on and on for days like this, as if I'm having a conversation with you when you're not even in the room. Now, I talk to myself quite often...what's that? Oh, don't act like you don't talk to yourself. We all do it. You might as well just join the crowd. And, this time, I DO mean you. Anyway, I rather enjoy talking to myself, at times. Especially at times like these where I pretend you're there, but really you're not.

Are you?

Maybe you are.

Is that you over there in that corner?

Hey you! Turn around!

Ohhhh.....nevermind, that's not you.

Wait! Who is it then....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent! Excellent, yes!

Now.... For the next two weeks - every other day - will you provide us with more of your blogging talents, yet use the last word from the previous blog as the first word in the blog you are writing?

Awesome! Seven more blogs in fourteen days! And a little twist to keep us enthralled in your entertaining blogs!

Otherwise, you might as well move to Missouri...

Reader 492

6:24 AM  
Blogger Brian Moon said...

Aha! So the person in the corner is Reader 492!

What happens in Missouri, stays in Missouri, I'm afraid. Many blogs have "moved to Missouri" over the years...

Luckily, Tracy's blog is far from Missouri, at least in spirit if not geographically. If that means anything on the intertubes.

9:29 AM  

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