Monday, January 22, 2007

And, while we're on the topic of asses...

Why is it that I can find as many beautiful female asses I want on the internets, like these....but when I do a Google image search for male asses*...I literally get a handful? And, I don't mean the GOOD kind of handful, either.

Now, although, I like looking at female asses as much as the next guy...c'mon...I'm feeling a little discriminated against, here.

*Don't try that at home with Safe Search turned'll be really, really sorry you did. You get WAY more than you bargained for....believe me.


Blogger Kevin Wecker said...


I must admit confusion has now struck me. By your recent post, are stating you enjoy women's asses? If you like looking, do you also like touching?

Additionally, are you also stating you are feeling discriminated against because your ass is not online? Or is it because men are more often found visually stimulated than what women are, and this is the reason why there are not enough men's asses on the internet? (Unless, of course, you count ass as the way a man behaves from time to time, by posting waaaaayy too many women's asses online for other men - and women, such as yourself - to view.)

I am intrigued. You have peaked my interest - not because of the asses, but (no pun intended) because of your candidness toward looking for such things.

Good post! Thanks!

8:52 AM  
Blogger Christi Lee said...

You are SOOOOOOO right. I did not turn my safe search on. I typed in Hot Male Ass and I got search results for a donkey show. I am SOOOOOOO going to blog that.

8:59 PM  

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