Saturday, May 26, 2007

Update...I guess...

I have a party today. It's been a long time. I'm having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. On multiple levels.

Does blogging count if you just keep saying the same thing over and over? Just askin'.

I'm doing well, and not well at the very same time. Some things are working and some things aren't. Is that how life is supposed to go? Or, is there ever a time when all things just work? That'd be nice. But, whatever. It is what it is.

Reader 492, I did think of a great superhero the other day...I may have an upcoming story for you yet. Thanks for staying tuned.

To my other 2-3 readers, thanks for continuing to tune in, and comment. I appreciate you all. :-)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Results are In

My final results for the last 5k was 46:40.1. Bleh. Oh, well...there's always next time.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

To accept, or to not accept...that is the question.

Last Saturday, I participated in another 5k. There was no chip timing, and I haven't heard my official time yet; however, I don't know that I beat my previous time. I did a lot more walking than I wanted to. But...I did finish. And, I jogged way MORE than the last one, even if the time wasn't better. So, I'm happy with my accomplishment, at any rate.

I haven't planned my next one, and haven't even been exercising since Sunday, but there will be another one. And, I'll need to figure out training for that next one. I want to beat my previous time so there is NO question about it.

Between softball and working hard during the day, there's not much time for exercise or blogging. So, Reader 492, I'm not sure that I'm up for the challenge at this time...but I will be considering it. And, possibly working on a story for you. Thanks for caring, and for reading. :-)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Random List on a Friday

1. I seem to have gotten the pressure under control, even just a bit by way of asserting my independence, and asking for help. I'm thankful for understanding and caring friends & family.

2. Lost is making me mad, but on the other hand, The Office is my favoritest show of all-time.

3. Softball season is in full swing (no pun intended), and it's bringing joy to my heart. And, Cierra is pretty good, for never having played before.

4. Work is busy, but it's been fun hanging out with the guys again.

5. Spring has sprung, and the dogs are barking. But, I may have met a champ. :-)

6. Still grieving in the form of my apartment being completely out of control, and not having the gumption to do anything about it. It feels like I'm drowing every time I go home. Yet, I tend to not want to leave either. This can't be good. Please tell me it will end.

7. My weight is going back down again (yay!), and I've been exercising routinely. I measured my hometown path at 2.86 miles, and jogged the whole thing last week, only stopping a few (short) times to walk. I'm very proud of myself - this is a huge accomplishment for me.

8. I'm doing another 5k tomorrow morning, and I'm excited. I'm hoping to actually jog this one, and definitely hoping to beat my previous time of 46:15. Wish me luck!

9. Happy Friday, ya'll!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Under Pressure

This is definitely how I've been feeling lately. Just sayin'.