Tuesday, October 31, 2006

To be shy, or not to be shy? THAT is the question.

It’s funny to me when I think about whether I’m a shy person or not. I can be shy; however, I can also be very outgoing, in-your-face kind of person, at the very same time. I think it depends on the situation in which I find myself.

Around my friends and family, I am the life of the party – always trying to make someone laugh. I’ll be the first to comment in almost any given situation. Especially in terms of “breaking the ice.”

Around strangers, I am a flirt by nature (some have even called me a man-magnet – I’m not sure if they were making fun of me, or not), so if there’s men involved, I’m probably not shy. I like shock value, and will say things to either shock them, or to make them laugh. I try this with either gender, actually…so no discrimination on the “flirting,” necessarily.

I’m also the type of person that merely gets the job done. So, if there’s something to do – I don’t usually hem and haw about it – I go for it! If I see something I like, I go after it. In some form or another.

I remember a time in my late teens or early twenties when I was with my friends (individuals I called friends at that time) in a dance club. I don’t have much recollection of detail, but I do know that I saw the most beautiful man I’d ever seen, to date, standing on a nearby wall. I thought about it for all of 2.4 seconds before I was in his face, telling him just that. To be honest, I don’t remember exactly what I said, but I do remember conveying that he, indeed, was the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen in my life. Mind you, it did me no good. I did not dance with this young man. I did not talk to this young man any further. No phone numbers were exchanged. However, on that night…he left that dance club with the knowledge that he was a handsome fellow (as if he doubted).

If I’d have acted different, or the opposite, would the result have turned out in my favor? I doubt it, but possibly. I honestly doubt that he’d even have noticed me. But, who knows?

I haven’t always been this way, though. And, in high school I can remember being very shy. I would usually live vicariously through my more outgoing friends. I’d gain friends because my friends were more outgoing. The only reason I really ever even talked to the more popular crowd was because of my outgoing friends.

If I’d have acted different, or the opposite, would the result have turned out in my favor? Yes, undoubtedly. I could have had a lot more fun in my high school years, I’m sure. However, I think I’m okay with the fact that I didn’t.

In the end, everything happens for a reason.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


If I say, "Guess what??"

You say....

Monday, October 23, 2006

All Things Happen for a Reason

I have had a scare. A health-related scare. I'm not ready to talk about it just yet, mostly because it's premature in the process, and I truly know nothing.

However, having had this scare, I've discovered a few things about myself:

1. I have taken my good health for granted for a very long time.
2. I am grateful to have eyes to see, ears to hear, legs to walk, a brain to think, and a mouth to talk. And, I am blessed that all of those work within a normal range.
3. I am lucky to have had a stable envioronment in which I was brought up.
4. I am lucky to have had a good education.
5. I am grateful and blessed to have such a large network of family and friends who love me.

I have no idea how this will all turn out. However, please know that if you consider yourself a friend of mine, thank you. From the bottom of my heart. :-)

Friday, October 20, 2006

Oh, Canada!

About those Canadians...

My one and only experience with Canada was a trip that I took, with my parents and my best friend (at the time), to Victoria, B.C.

I loved visiting Victoria. I have spectacular memories of the Empress Hotel, Butchart Gardens, and high-noon tea. Well, most people know about my memory, but the memories are positive, at any rate.

One of the reasons my parents took us to Victoria, was because they followed a fastpitch softball team, at that time. The team had a tournament that weekend. I don't remember any people in Canada besides the people in the stands of that softball tournament, rooting for the Canadian team. And, said people, my friends, were rude and LOUD. However, in their defense, they are probably pretty serious about their sports as we are here in the U.S. Okay, well...we tend to be rude sometimes too, but that may not be why.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

"Watch This!"

Even though things are going GREAT for me, here's a little something to give you the warm fuzzies...

So, I'm feeling all good about myself, and my car...right? Because on Monday, I had the front brakes replaced. Lucky for me the rotors weren't shot (which, I'm not sure how I was lucky enough since I had been traveling FAR TOO LONG with bad brakes).

Then, on Tuesday I scheduled a lube, oil & filter, as well as a tune-up (finally). All is well, right?

Now, the only thing left to do is get a front left hub cap that's been missing for MONTHS. (But, that's a whole 'nother story.)

Why then, did Brian say to me, as he got in the car this morning (Wednesday, in case you weren't keeping track) - directly after saying good morning - "Did you know you have a headlight out?"

Doesn't it figure? No, really. You think you're doing good by getting everything all fixed up...and then something ELSE goes bad or wrong. Why is that so indicative of how life goes?

It reminds me of my pastor's favorite reference. Often times he talks about God having a sense of humor and saying, "Watch this!"

Friday, October 06, 2006

Yay Me!

Since I haven't been blogging steadily, some of you may be wondering how I'm doing in the area of taking care of myself (i.e., losing weight by eating right and exercising).

I'm doing very well, thank you! :-)

According to the best FREE online nutrition tracking service, I have lost 11+ lbs. Unfortunately, I didn't measure before I started. However, I can feel a difference in the way my clothes fit, etc.

Again, thanks for all the support of my friends and family! And, shout-outs to the Man Upstairs for His help in my staying focused and on-task.

I have been sticking to my allocated calories per day, as well as walking 30-45 minutes, 5-6 times a week. I've even started jogging along the way on some days. Last night and today, my right knee and ankle have been hurting, so I went back to walking to rest them. However, I found that I wanted to continue to challenge myself by jogging farther than the previous time. There's plenty of time for that, though. In fact, I may end up having to ice my knee and ankle.

I'm pleased with the changes I've made recently. Yay me!

The Color Purple

The color purple. What does it mean to me? It's my favorite color. It always has been my favorite color. I love every shade of purple there is. I've never met a shade I didn't like.

It's a supple, multi-faceted amethyst, or a spark in your eye with the turn of a beveled crystal ball. It's the tear-shaped petal of a beautiful spring flower. Purple is the silkiness of the royal velvet on a Christmas stocking, so bright. It's the pain of a bruise at its deepest point, right before it begins to heal. It's the color of my favorite sheets.

Purple is the cat's meow, the dog's pearlescent collar, and the center of the largest spot on the peacock's tail. It can be combined with so many other colors to compliment them, so. It's that wow on someone's face when you have a new pair of shoes. Or, that comfort you find in a pair of fleece jammies you received on Christmas morning.

It's ruffles and feathers, and everything nice. Purple makes me feel good. Purple is a memory, and a distant thought, all at the same time. It's the warmth of your best friend's smile, or the tear that you wipe away when they're feeling down. Purple is the feeling you get when someone you love is playing with your hair, or rubbing your shoulders after a hard day.

I love purple. It's my favorite color. And, it always will be.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Journey

My poor blog. I've been so neglectful lately.

I was sort of holding a grudge since my work was lost in never-never-land the other day. But, I'm over it.

I will take a few minutes to try and re-create the beautiful post I lost.

I want to talk today about "the journey." I was talking with a good friend of mine last week about the acceptance of my past mistakes and/or behaviors, and the steps I am taking to better myself, i.e., fix me. His response was something like, "Even if you don't completely 'fix' them, just remember that it's all part of the journey."

This was one of those times where you know you've heard this idea before, by other persons, even. But, for some odd reason, THAT DAY you needed to hear it...exactly how it was said...strictly by THAT person. It was as if it knocked me over the head.

We all know life is a journey. How many times have you heard that, right? But, it's not until you actually live it, that it becomes surreal for us. We have choices presented to us every day. It's the decisions we make, individually, that make up our journey, or our path. Our journey is our own. No one else will know exactly what it feels like to us. Even if they've gone through the same experiences, it's still our journey. And, we need to endure a myriad of sets and scenes before we 'get it'. And, even then, only some are lucky enough...

We may look back on the decisions we've made throughout our lives, and regret some. Or, we may be very grateful for, yet, others. Even if we thought they were poor decisions, at some point, they may have actually been what was best for us, at that time. At any rate, we need to take the time to look back, accept responsibility that they were ours (right or wrong), and move on. Maybe we can see how we'd do it differently now. Or, maybe we wouldn't. Does it really matter? Or, is it indeed, as many say, all part of the journey?