Monday, July 30, 2007

Questions from a Pondering Soul

Why didn't life come with instructions?

Why is it that no matter how much attention we give or receive, it's never enough?

Why do we wait for the other person to cave first?

Why do people hurt one another, when it seems to be on purpose?

Why does the apple not fall far from the tree?

Why does the money usually run out before payday?

Why is it so freakin' hard lose weight, and even harder to keep it off?

Why is parenting such a struggle?

Why can't things just be easy?

Why? Why?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Great Day for a Walk

Today is a beautiful day - a great day for a walk! I accidentally left my Shuffle at home, though. Oh, well. Off I go. It's been awhile since I've walked or jogged. I was feeling the tug of guilt I often get when I have been slacking.

As I walked, I enjoyed nature and the beauty that surrounded me. The sun was shining beautifully, with a slight breeze so that I cooled off every now and again. The sounds of traffic, loud music, dogs barking, passers-by out for a jog or a bike ride, etc. Random thoughts running through my mind.

I'm feeling a little down today. Can't put my finger on it. I think I'm just tired. I hope some additional rest will help tonight.

Monday, July 16, 2007


I had this great idea to seek a picture that reflected my feelings of boredom today.

As I was poking through the pictures on flickr of bored looking animals and/or people and pictures taken out of boredom while people were at work or lonely at home, I found this one. And, at least it made me laugh. That's some serious boredom. And, I can totally relate!

Well done. Enjoy!

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Way to a Better Soul

Someone, somewhere said that cleansing is good for the soul. I'd have to agree.

Saturday, I had a free day. Did you hear me? Completely free! Which, if you know me, doesn't happen very often. In fact, hardly ever. And, to top it off, my day started out sorta gloomy. I felt the sudden urge not only to clean, but to purge, if you will. Out with the old, in with the new.

I recently bought a new Dell computer (yay for tax write-offs!). My desk and office space are set up in my bedroom. So, I've got this sweet monitor and beauty of a computer gleaming on my newly cleaned off desk, yet a huge mess EVERYWHERE ELSE. See, the new is in, but the old is still there.

And, by old, I mean at least two years old...since I moved in...there were things that I hadn't unpacked yet. Pictures and decorations for my bedroom not yet hung. I also had some new clothes in smaller sizes, since I'm slowly shrinking (yay!), that needed to be hung. I went through my closet as well. Four large green garbage bags later, my closet is cleaned out of most of the larger sizes I'd acquired over the years. I was texting Brian most the day, and he suggested I be sure to keep at least one outfit of the larger size so that when I reach my goal weight, I can take a picture wearing the old stuff. Sounded like a good plan to me. My favorite jeans that literally fall off me (but I wear them anyway because they are, indeed, my favorite!) were in the laundry anyway. They're safe...and will be back in my closet shortly.

To make a long story not quite as long, of the three sides of my bed available to be clean, only one is clean. And, it took me most of the day to do that. I still have two other sides to do; however, that'll have to wait for more time, definitely, but more space would be nice too. I guess I have to figure out how to fit everything I have into the small space I have to work with. I may need to call in the troops (not the US Troops, silly).

It felt good to get even that little bit done. And, I would say my soul is better for having done it.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Quote of the Day

"We are, each of us, angels with only one wing, and we can only fly embracing each other."
– Luciano Decrescenzo

Beach Quest - June/July 2007

My mom, Cierra and I spent the last few days in Lincoln City at the Coho Inn. A very nice place to stay, and the view was fantastic.

We had a wonderful time relaxing, shopping, eating tons, swimming, and playing on the beach.

Happy Anniversary mom & dad. I wish dad were here to celebrate it with you, mom. He was there with us in spirit, if nothing else.


Scratch that last post. Um....nevermind.

Apparently, I was a little too happy.

Life goes on.