Thankful Today
I had a great weekend. It was delightfully busy, and filled with great friends and companions. My cup runneth over...
I had a great weekend. It was delightfully busy, and filled with great friends and companions. My cup runneth over...
This morning, I was thinking about the fact that my birthday is just around the corner. And, how I'll be turning 36. My first thought was negative - what have I accomplished in my 36 years, to speak of? However, my very next thought, which was on a more positive note, was - WOW! Look at all I have to be thankful for in my 36 years.
I'd say that I've done a whole lot of growing up in the past few years. Some of the changes I really like. Some of them not so much.
In a deep discussion with my mother about relationships and human behavior, I was talking with her about not wanting to come across too "needy". She was basically nodding in agreement, and trying to show me that she understood by restating what I'd said. But at the end she tacked on, "...even though you are."
Gas is so freakin' expensive. I'm just sayin'.
It's been awhile since I've posted. And, so much has happened. There's been so much happy, but with a little sad and disappointed mixed in, that it makes it hard to just remain "happy" for long.
I had an awesome weekend. Jam-packed, but truly awesome. First was a wonderful event for my business, which was so much fun! There were sales, prizes, yummy food, FUN, and creativity. We all had a blast! Then, I got to watch a movie and take a nap (two of my favorite pasttimes...yesssssssss!). And, to top a great day off, I was lucky enough to spend some quality time with a special someone that's inching his way into my heart.
I'm officially marking this day on my virtual calendar: May 3, 2006.
In case you don't know this about me, there's not much I hate more than being late. To anything. I hate it when I'm late, I hate it when anyone else is late. It's one of those pet peeves that just grind on your last nerve, ya know?
About 7-8 years ago, I lost touch with a dear, dear friend of mine. It was a tragic moment of letting myself be controlled by another human being that tore us apart. I never say never, but there's a first time for everything. NEVER again will I let that happen.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing.